Light giving Shiva

by Guruji Aruneshvar Paris Art Curator Katrin Suter
Light giving Shiva
Guruji Aruneshvar Paris Art Curator Katrin Suter
Painting - Multimedia (acryl, Gold & Color Pen)
Shiva Guruji’s concept of Shiva the awakened artist & Himalayan Master describes as SHIVA =
Synergy Harmony Initiation Vastness Awakening Awareness.
Shiva is depicted with eyes everywhere – it symbolizes the pure consciousness, which grasps what is beyond the sight of the two physical eyes. Shiva’s third eye is wide opened. The moon signifies creativity and the process of creation, continuation & completion.
Poetic Description of the painting on canvas by the artist Shiva Guruji:
ShivMaya DivyaEshvar
Shiva Maya evolves into the subtle principles and then into the gross.
The individual soul experiences pleasure and pain through Vidya.
Shiva Tattva is the basis of all consciousness and action. It is
undifferentiated (Nishkala).
When SuddhaMaya, the Shakti of Shiva starts her activities, Shiva
becomes the experiencer. Then he is called SadaShiva known also by the
name Sadakhya.
When SuddhaMaya becomes active, then Shiva, the experiencer becomes
the Ruler. He is then Isvara, who is not separate from SadaShiva.
Suddhavidya is the cause of true knowledge.
The five activities (Pancha-Krityas) of the Lord are Srishti (creation),
Sthiti (preservation), Sampoorna(completion ), Tirobhava (veiling) and
Anugraha (grace). These, separately considered, are the activities of
ShivaparamBrahma, ShivaMaya DivyaEshvar, ShivaRudra, Mahesvara
and SadaShiva.
ShivaMaya DivyaEshvar Darshan gives Wealth, Wisdom & World fame.
He brings Fortune & Fabulous Future, Fulfills Desire & Dreams.
This art work is part of the Spiritualism Art, the first Indian Art Movement in the form of “-ism”, which was introduced by Shiva Guruji. It is Art for the soul going beyond the material dimension of human existence.
More information: spiritualismshivaguruji.com; gurujiaruneshvar.com
Curator: Katrin Suter
Mobile: + 33 612 28 06 28; email: shivanihimalaya@gmail.com
December 16th, 2017
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