Neelakanth Shiva

by Guruji Aruneshvar Paris Art Curator Katrin Suter
Neelakanth Shiva
Guruji Aruneshvar Paris Art Curator Katrin Suter
Painting - Multimedia (sprays, Color Pens, Markers)
Shiva keeps down the bull, which symbolizes the ego. In that way he is in total bliss which is depicted by the halo of light and OM in sanskrit.
Shiva drank the poison that emanated from the ocean churning.
To save world from trouble Shiva drank poison and kept it in his neck.
And became NILKANTHA.
The river Ganga and moon on his head cool his head & body. He has the fiery
third eye. Constant Abhisheka of Ganga & pleasing moonlight cools this
third eye.
Greatest & highest Abhisheka is to pour pure love on the Atmalinga lotus
heart. Nandi represent the ego. The Lord over Nandi, NandiEshvar keeps his head cool from anger & sits in peace.
Prayer with various energy of cooling by Kailasha Ice, growth of
devotion and adoration for Shiva eventually lead to internal bliss
with pure flow of love.
When you see with devotion, your mind is concentrated. Your
heart is filled with the image of the Lord and divine thoughts. You forget
your body and its relation and surroundings. Egoism gradually vanishes.
When there is forgetfulness, you begin to enjoy and taste the eternal bliss
of Shiva. Om Namash Shivaya NaadEshvar Shiva purifies the
mind and fills it with goodness, Sattwa.
Shiva means SHIVA = Synergy Harmony Initiation Vastness Awakening Awareness as the spiritual artist & Master from Himalaya Shiva Guruji explains. Shiva is a concept for peace of mind and the entire humanity.
This painting is part of Spiritualism Art, which Shiva Guruji introduces as the first Indian Art Movement in the form of "-ism". Spiritualism is about going beyond the material dimension and touches your soul.
More about spiritualism:
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0eD_hmk1og&t=332s
December 9th, 2017