Samadhi Shiva

by Guruji Aruneshvar Paris Art Curator Katrin Suter
Samadhi Shiva
Guruji Aruneshvar Paris Art Curator Katrin Suter
Painting - Multimedia (spray, Color Pens & Markers)
Shiva is in the meditation where he attains happiness, Samadhi, enlightenment & bliss.
Shiva means SHIVA = Synergy Harmony Initiation Vastness Awakening Awareness as the spiritual artist & Master from Himalaya Shiva Guruji explains. Shiva is a concept for peace of mind and the entire humanity.
This painting is part of Spiritualism Art, which Shiva Guruji introduces as the first Indian Art Movement in the form of "-ism". Spiritualism is about going beyond the material dimension and touches your soul.
Poetic description by the artist:
Nirvikalp Samadhi Kapali Shiva
Awakening, Awareness, Alert, Watchfulness, Witnessing.
Vision of self on Third eye Awakened Shiva. Enlightened with higher eye
brows like Bow “Shiva Netra Kataksha”.
Aum Pranav Sound vibration created in cosmos AUMKAR DHWANI
Pure Nectar giving Ganga (river Ganges) with Moon peace & white light pious power.
Trikal Kapali ready to dissolve all negative thoughts deeds & actions.
In right Hand Parashu, in the left Mrug Mudra Abhay (fearlessness) flag of Giving grace.
Hand of Blessing grace Padmasana (lotus posture) sitting with dhyan mudra grace.
Varada mudra giving forgiveness. Exhaling giving up anger, greed,
attachment, attraction. Forgiving GIVING hand filled with new riches
both inner & outer.
Givers Get infinite possibility of Life & Love.
Circle of Blue lights as meditative blessing light Healing mind body soul!
Nirvikalp Samadhi Kapali Shiva Gives Peace Meditation & spiritual
More about Shiva Guruji's spiritualism:
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0eD_hmk1og&t=332s
December 9th, 2017
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