Shiva Shakti

by Guruji Aruneshvar Paris Art Curator Katrin Suter
Shiva Shakti
Guruji Aruneshvar Paris Art Curator Katrin Suter
Painting - Multimedia (acryl, Gold & Color Pen)
Shiva is silence. Shakti is power.
Shiva is creativity. Shakti is creation.
Shiva is love. Shakti is loving.
These qualities compliment each other, perfect description of a sacred
marriage. Divine love consists of being able to see yourself in your
beloved and your beloved in yourself.
Shiva is omnipresent, impersonal, inactive. He is pure consciousness.
Shakti is dynamic. Shiva and Shakti are related as Prakasa and Vimarsa.
Shakti is the power that is latent in the pure consciousness.
Shiva is Chit. Shakti is Chidrupini.
Shakti is endowed with Iccha (will), Jnana (knowledge) and Kriya
(action). Shiva and Shakti are one. Shakti Tattva and Shiva Tattva are
inseparable. Shiva Shakti Tattva, Nada in Sadakhya Tattva, Bindu in
Isvara Tattva, creative aspect of the Supreme Shiva is called Shiva Tattva.
Shiva Tattva is the creative movement. Shakti Tattva is the will of Shiva.
It is the seed and womb of the entire world, dynamic energy universe.
This painting is part of Spiritualism Art, the first Indian Art movement in the form of an "-ism", which the Himalayan Master & spiritual artist Shiva Guruji Aruneshvar has introduced.
More information:
December 16th, 2017